remember the last time i wrote about joining the competition? and this is te result.... i have written all my test schedule on my white board in my room. there are 5 tests in this competition. ditulis dari bulan mei. wallpaper tab sejak agustus nomer 4. karunika diwyacitta sooo it was very amazing. the feeling when you took the first test, going to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and finally 5th is cant be described. no matter what happened from the first until 5th, i do enjoy this competition and being very grateful because of the result. this chance will give me an ultra wide spirit to keep on learning about electronics, fulfill my knowledge, and be the best in this major. i wont forget my goals which are being master in biomedical engineering or nanotechnology. see you in germany! amiiiiiinnnnn. -first post in september