
it is still early morning now about 6 am. just a few moments ago i've found your photo with yours. so click and lovely. i thought you have passed 2 or 3 months with her beautifully. i wishing you all very best about your life, academic or else always. since you told me and decided to make her mine first time, i did support you with all my best. even i still dont know who she is, at least i know that she is younger than me and a student in faculty of humanities majoring Indonesian Letters. i often see your updates suddenly about her who helped you writing your last project. that was very romantic to share each other ability in relationship. a little music box if you scroll this blog, you will find a post titled "terima kasih" and i wrote those when you asked my permission (or not?) to ask her to be your next. it was full of feelings and really touchy. but i shocked again when you told me that you have to break up in almost 1 month since you made a relationship. it...