
Showing posts from February, 2017

banyak bicara (1)

heyho!  post ini akan dibuat berkelanjutan dengan tema seperti judulnya. betul, tidak ada judul. jadi post ini hanya untuk mengisi waktu luang pas pengen banyak bicara aja. siap-siap untuk obrolan yang lompat kesana kemari, lets go! tiba-tiba pengen bikin vlog gitu deh (emang kena virus jaman sekarang). cuma hidup gue terlalu egois selama ini, semua socmed kerjaannya ngomongin diri sendiri aja, ga ada faedahnya buat orang lain, hahaha. maybe if i have a chance (surely it rather be 'will' than 'chance', wk playing victim at its best), gue mau tentang kehidupan gue di bandung. IYA SANTAY DULU. tentu saja bukan kehidupan gue yang ga berfaedah tapi lebih ke kuliah gue misalnya, tips and tricks jadi mojang bandung, how to stay alive as a master student in ITB ya gitu gitu lah. berfaedah kan ya? (berasa di luar sana banyak yang haus akan informasi dari gue ini, padahal mah pretdut). ya gapapa namanya usaha ya, berfaedah ya syukur, engga ya udah usaha lagi. sesung...

curly and sturdy

oy! im writing this with "dont sleep away this nite my baby" whispering in my ear, ehm also your photo(s) on my facebook timeline. i thought that i finally let you go long long time ago (almost 3 years ago, maybe?) i absolutely sure that you are doing fine now and then. im so happy looking at your classical smile with your best friends there. so sad im not be able to at least be your friend nor good junior.  i hate to remember and realize that you never like me write something about you and publish it hahaha. here i am, i do this thing again. since i dont know who will listen to my curiosity about you like this. let me declare first, i have never never deliberately looked for your updates. it is not me who looking for you but your friends often tag you with your photo in facebook and exactly it decorate my timeline :3. thats the way i know about you. i cant help thinking about you but im sure i have let you go. this post just for cheering me up suddenly after...