
Showing posts from 2023


Hai, Renjana. Aku tau kita ga sedeket itu tapi yaudah gapapa ya, karena Renjana tulisan ini ada. Aku temennya Ibu. Aku maunya dipanggil Bude. Renjana, nama kamu lahir dari hal-hal baik. Hal baik yang seringnya menyelamatkan Ibu dan Bude dari hal dunia yang tidak selalu menyenangkan. Ibu kamu tuh kuat sekali, nak. Ibu kamu, sampai hari ini entah dapet kekuatan dari mana, pokoknya kuat. Orang disekelilingnya, ga sekuat itu. Ibu kamu, pure, tulusssss, baik hati. Kayanya Ibu kamu ga pernah iri dengki soal apapun. Mungkin cuma sama mereka yang bisa fansign bareng adek-adek gulanya. Renjana makasih ya. Makasih sudah hadir di hari-harinya Ibu sekeluarga. Karena itu juga, Renjana hadir di hari-harinya Bude. Since day one. Pinter ya ponakan Bude cuma kepengen nasi goreng, jadi Ibu ga repot ngidamnya 😀 Renjana, Ibu kamu bisa dibilang satu-satunya temen Bude buat bahas idol sebagai jalur pintas healing dari keseharian yang mumet. Ibu kamu sering spam, sering juga Bude balesnya lama. Tapi Ibu kam...

28th May, 29 + 1

AAAA YEAY. oh waw. Hello, dear, my future +1, Back then, years ago, I arbitrary said (or declare) that I was going to marry you at the age of 24 and had 3 children already by the age of 27. Just FYI. I was blinded by the facts that my fingerprints were technologically or (psychologically) showed the ultimate goal of my life is to love and to be loved. It was well printed out in a piece of paper. Another fact I blamed was the meaning behind my name. It (also) printed out in a hard copy ancient dictionary that I destined to easily give love to someone, well yeah it turned out I was ended up hurting myself during my 20s heuuu. Yap enough for the TMI. We havent met yet, or have we? Idk, still don't have any clue. BUT, I am sure our name written already side by side somewhere, not only we know. I am sure and i hope you too, and everyone too. How you doing? Good? What you have been up to? Hows today? In times i felt lonely, i think its better if i have you by my side. Listen to all my st...