
hidup itu harus seimbang.

ada hitam ada putih. ada kiri ada kanan. saling melengkapi dan saling menyempurnakan. karena emg ga ada yg sempurna. itulah kenapa allah nyiptain makhluk berpasangpasangan. (adz-dzariyat ayat 49)

i let you be the serious one, thinking all about the serious problem, the topic which you are interested in, making the solution about it, staring about technology, and all about your passion.

and let me be the one who making you laugh, forget about the problem for awhile, giving work for your right brain, refreshing your life, creating jokes and happiness also.

but it doesnt mean i dont support your passion. i do support all your hobbies, works, thoughts, and all about it. cause sometimes you have to be rilex, calm, and enjoy the life with smiles, jokes, laughs, and happiness.

-kd, trapped in this crowded road. august 1, 2013; 21:07


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