coming again

hello! these last 2 weeks were a lil bit  hard for me, because some of teenager's problem. hahaha well yeah dont be too serious facing the condition which you worried a lot. and im not that type of girl who would crying and feeling depressed much just because a not important thing. moreover spending much time too in the corner of bedroom and blank. fix! it is not me.

i am me, im a scene, im a dramaqueen. i wont let anyone control me. anycondition also. and finally im here! have just passed those critical 2 weeks and be the happiest person after all. i have decided a thing and will walk through it constantly.

and for the other problem which made a miss understanding role between us, i wont clear it gently. it is too late for clearing. the important side is be better. be better for all the next chapter. knowing im wrong, knowing your principle are enough. from you, i learned a lot for respecting other's mind which i couldnt agree every single step. no problem, this experience thought me there is others who have different opinion. fine fine fine. but still communication is needed in every something-ship. if you attempt to communicate with others, they will accept you as the valuable one. if you didnt, they wont.

jump as high as we can
and thanks God. im blessed because You let me happy every single time. for not caring too much with them who didnt care about me, and for not thinking too much too.



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