vielen dank!

was glaubst du?

i wanna type some sentences in deutsch, but i dont even know how to make a, u, o, with 2 node above them. and i am worrying much if there is deutsch people reading this post, and he/she will mad at me. here it is

konnen Sie das bitte erklaren? ich brauche dich nicht. das ist sehr gut fur mich. aber, du bist keine alles.

hahaha i left meine kursbuch in my dorm, and i dont have any cheat here to type some deutsch sentence.

and finally, vielen dank! you dont have to say sorry or ask for forgiveness cause i knew that you do your thoughts. i thought that you never felt so wrong too. even sometimes i judge you bad, but it doesnt seems important now, right? lesson learned, beautifully.

vielen dank!



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