sweetest drug

-better playing Stutter-Maroon5 while reading- Im just 21 y old girl, or woman? Okay i mean im on my way to be 22 next year. All those last year i was full-of-romantic-drama-novel which made me had lots of dream. Through those always-happily-after-stories, i write all my wishes down in my head. Everytime i get my free time. It seems to be very important to arrange my dream life. Watching a disney princess film titled Mulan, im sure i want to have a man who could fight as well. Watching gossip girls film, im sure i want to have a man who could fulfill my wants of shopping. Watching a korean drama called bbf, im sure i want to have a man who born rich and have a super duper giant house. Watching (again) a korean drama called playful kiss, im sure i want to have a man who is the real smart over the world. Watching all the film with handsome man in each as the main actor, yes absolutely im sure i want to have a handsome man for my future...