sweetest drug

-better playing Stutter-Maroon5 while reading-

Im just 21 y old girl, or woman? Okay i mean im on my way to be 22 next year. All those last year i was full-of-romantic-drama-novel which made me had lots of dream. Through those always-happily-after-stories, i write all my wishes down in my head. Everytime i get my free time. It seems to be very important to arrange my dream life. 

Watching a disney princess film titled Mulan, im sure i want to have a man who could fight as well. Watching gossip girls film, im sure i want to have a man who could fulfill my wants of shopping. Watching a korean drama called bbf, im sure i want to have a man who born rich and have a super duper giant house. Watching (again) a korean drama called playful kiss, im sure i want to have a man who is the real smart over the world. Watching all the film with handsome man in each as the main actor, yes absolutely im sure i want to have a handsome man for my future. 

But all of those silly things were blown high to the 7th sky. As fast as i found you. No i dont wanna make a romantic poetry here and now. I just wanna spill my words out as my deepest heart talks honestly. I know you as an unpretentious man. Not so handsome, not so rich, not so humorist, not so smart, and also havent build a giant house yet.
Yes there he is. Never imagine to have something with him cause he is too ordinary. He has his own visions and missions about his future woman. No im not his ideal future wife also cause i know what he wanted and thats not me, of course with all my dream life. As time goes by, dont know what happens but he got me finally. Slowly we talked much and compared our own dreams. Yes i get shocked with all of his wants. A 21-going-to-22 y old man, he have arranged his steps ahead surely. Not only dreaming, he also doing. Step by step to reach his dreams. One by one struggling, praying, trying, (playing) also in his teenager life. While the others still laughing and laughing because of their stupidity. 

The point is, he made me realize that a future life must not include all of my wants. He was making me sure that rich is something that we could get easily as long as we keep trying. Making me realize that shopping is not so important cause there so much needs in the future which more important than shopping. Having a giant house is terrible when you are alone and have to clean up the whole house by yourself. He is very cool when he answers all of my wants wisely.

And now i dont wanna have a handsome, rich, humorist man, as long as i have you. Cause you already handsome and humorist in your own way. Talking about rich....yes we will make money together. Also a super giant house is just the same as the small one if i live there with you. And those small house as we need will be bigger and bigger with our giant happiness!

i wish my future is like Up (film) which prove that true love is everlasting.



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