write it down, in the end.


this is for the birthday boy.

i ever promise not to romanticize things in my life. but as time goes by, knowing that i only live once dragging me to this blog. again.

for you who impressed me.
not that much but enough.

for you who turned the lights on in me.
you who made me smile frequently just by reading your email daily.

yeah you.
remind me of my old days, who optimistic to make friends and to ask a guy go out first. and you again. that indirectly turned me down because you already has your own loved ones.

so happy birthday.
you do not need to smoke around to be cool. does smoke relaxing your soul?

you do not need to wearing the sunglasses to be cool. does it increase your confidence?

do you handle lots of work? do you need to stay at the office until the very late night? are you exhausted?

i do not know you well.
we are just a co-workers, struggling on our own track. i know its not nice for me who thinks about you a lot. who looking for a little chance if i can. who not wearing my glasses every lunch time so i wont see you clearly. why? sure. because seeing you made me fluttered.

but i remember when the universe let you sit beside me in lunch time. two times. i honestly getting nervous and could not make a single conversation to you. stupid. i am.

so again.
happy birthday.
hope all your dreams come true.



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